How to Connect Your Meta Pixel to Kajabi - Step By Step Guide
Feb 26, 2024The Meta Pixel also known as Facebook Pixel is used to send the activity from your website to Facebook so they can optimize your ads performance.
Kajabi makes it really easy to connect to your Meta account with a direct Facebook Pixel integration, you don’t need to put any code into your site. This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to install the Meta Pixel in Kajabi and how to check if it is working.
Do I Need to Put My Meta Pixel in Kajabi?
This is a great question, you might be thinking that since you aren’t planning on using Facebook or Instagram for ads, you don’t need to bother with putting the Meta Pixel on your site. I think it is worth doing anyway and here is why.
Reason 1: As soon as your Pixel is on your site, Meta will start gathering data about who visits your site and what they do. Just because you don’t have any plans for that data right now doesn’t mean you won't want that data in the future. If you ever decide to run ads with Meta, having a history of traffic data from your website will help you choose a good audience for your ads.
Reason 2: It is so easy to do. Do it once and then forget about it and pat yourself on the back down the road if you ever end up using it, the backlog of traffic history will be worth it.
Reason 3: If you are running ads with Meta, the ads will be more effective with a Pixel installed. Meta knows about as much about everyone as is possible to know, creepy but true, and they use this information as they decide who to show your ads to. So if they show it to profile a and profile b, and the Pixel tells them that profile b took the action you wanted but profile a didn’t, they will show the ad to more people like profile b. Over time, by knowing who is taking the actions you want, they will fine tune who to show the ad to and you will get better results.
If you are going to be running ads, setting up the Pixel is a must. If you don’t have plans to run ads, set it up anyway, it is really easy to do and if you decide to run ads in the future, having it already done will benefit you.
Connecting the Meta Pixel to Kajabi
Start in your personal account, you can switch to this account later on if you’ve missed this step.
When you are in Facebook, click the home icon at the top and middle of your screen, then you will see this toolbar in the left. You are looking for ‘Ads Manger’, you may need to click ‘See more’
Click the ‘Ads Manager’
In the toolbar on the left, click All tools
Then click on Events Manager
Your Pixel is in the Events Manager window. I highlighted it in the picture below.
(if you don’t see this screen when you get to the Events Manager, skip ahead a couple of pictures)
You can also see your Pixel here by clicking the Data Sources icon from the Events Manager screen.
If you find yourself in the Events Manager and you don’t see your Pixel and the other information (two screenshots ago) but you know that you have a Pixel. Then click on the user icon in the left toolbar and you will see that maybe you are in a business account that doesn’t have a Pixel and you need to change to your personal account or vice versa to get to the account with the Pixel.
Now you need to copy the Pixel number and go into Kajabi. From the settings area, click on Third Party Integrations.
Scroll down and put the Pixel number into the Facebook Pixel ID bar and hit save. You don’t need an access token for the Access Token bar. Now your Meta Pixel is connected to Kajabi, you are all set to go!
Testing Meta Pixel Connection in Kajabi
There are two ways you can test your Pixel connection. Using Meta’s own event tester and using the Meta Pixel Helper Chrome extension.
Using the Event Manager to Test your Pixel connection
In the Events Manager click on Data Sources and then click on Test events which is above the graph in the middle of the screen.
In the Test Browser Events box, put your website in and click the Open website button.
Now you will be in a new tab or window of your browser and on your website. Click through your website to get to a page that has a form or a checkout page. The data from the screenshot below is what happened when I went to one of my sales pages and then clicked the buy button and then from the checkout page clicked on the purchase button. I didn’t put my credit card info in or name or email, I just clicked the purchase button.
Once you are done exploring your website and clicking on things you want Facebook to recognize when a customer clicks on them, go back to the tab or window of the Event Manager and you will see the activities that Facebook recorded through your Pixel connection. Depending on what you did on your site, you should see things like page view, lead, and initiate checkout.
If you see the things that reflect what you did, your Pixel is set up correctly.
Using the Meta Pixel Helper to Test Your Pixel Connection
You can download the Meta Pixel Helper extension from the Chrome Extension Store. It is easy to use and I recommend it as your go tool for checking up on your Pixel. You don’t really need to check up on your Pixel, once it is connected properly, it stays connected, but having an easy way to make sure it is working when you build a new lead magnet or funnel is nice and brings peace of mind.
For this tool to work, you need to go through the process just like a customer would. I have tested this with a lead magnet funnel that has an opt-in page with a form on it and a thank you page.
Step 1
Go to your opt-in page. Make sure you are doing this live and not in a preview mode. If you aren’t sure about that, use an incognito window in Chrome to run this test. Once you are there, click on the extension icon in the top right corner and select the Meta Pixel Helper.
If it is working, it will show you a page view and that means that Facebook has recorded your visit to this page as a page view. This is what you want because this is all that has happened so far.
Step 2
Complete the form on the page and wait until the thank you page loads. Once the page has loaded, click on the extension icon again and select the Meta Pixel Helper. Now you will see Page View and Lead.
If you see Lead and Page View, it is working and your Pixel is set up correctly. Now Facebook knows someone has been added to your email list and is counting this action as a lead.
Troubleshooting the Meta Pixel Helper
There are two reasons your Meta Pixel Helper might not be showing a Lead when you are on the thank you page. If it is only showing Page View, something is going wrong.
First, make sure you are on the thank you page because you completed the form that was on the opt-in page. If you go to the thank you page with a direct link or by typing the url or from the preview button in the Kajabi page editor, the extension will only show Page View. A lead is only generated when someone completes the form, so the Pixel will only register a lead if someone starts on the opt-in page and ends on the thank you page. The only way for someone to do that is by completing the form, the form in Kajabi is what sends them to the thank you page. So they complete the form and are on your email list and it is a lead.
Second, make sure you are on live pages and not in preview mode. If something isn’t working, try it in an incognito window, sometimes that makes a big difference.
Another issue you may be seeing the right stuff in the Meta Pixel Helper extension, but aren’t seeing it in Kajabi. If this is the case, check to see if you have connected the same Pixel to Kajabi that you are looking at in Facebook, sometimes you can have more than one.
What about the Conversion API Tool
Don't worry about this tool, just use the Pixel.
Meta’s documentation recommends that you use both the Meta Pixel and the Conversion API in a redundant setup to share the same events from your website with the Meta Event Manager. Their documentation says to use both tools so for the highest level of accuracy because there are some circumstances like network connectivity issues that can cause the Meta Pixel to miss some actions. The Conversion API uses a different method to share the data and can capture what the Pixel misses; BUT before you start thinking that you need to go back and get both set up, know that the Conversion API tool is something you have to pay for and requires more technical skill than the Pixel.
Don’t bother with the Conversion API tool. In my opinion, the Pixel was intended for you and me and the rest of small to medium sized businesses and the Conversion API was built for companies like Nike or McDonalds who run sophisticated ad campaigns and have the ability to manage them.
Kajabi 30-Day Free Trial
If you think now is the right time to try out Kajabi you can sign up with my 30-day free trial link and I will give you 3 free sign-up bonuses. I am an affiliate for Kajabi and have helped over 100 people test it out and see if it is right for them. The help I give my referrals is designed to help you understand as quickly as possible if Kajabi is right for you and will meet your needs. The goal is to know if you want to keep using it before your trial is over. Check out my bonuses page, I’ll help flatten the learning curve for you and be there to answer your questions.
Happy Kajabi-ing Ahead
JD - Kajabi Expert
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